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World News: Political News

Hundreds of illegal migrants arrive to Italy ports.

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Rome, 07.05.2016 - Lana - The Italian navy on Saturday , had announced the arrival of hundreds of illegal immigrants , on board a war ship , who were been rescued in Sicily channel area. The navy added , that about 1800 migrants were rescued in the sea , and were received by medical staffs from the Italian red cross , for medical checks , before transferring them to shelter centers. Its noteworthy , that since the closure of the Balkan rout , due to EU and Turkey agreement , the number of seeker to enter Europe through Italy have increased , and were reached about 30 thousand in this... Read more

Presidential council establishes a special operation room to confront Da'esh.

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Tripoli, 07.05.2016 - Lana - The Libyan presidential council of the national accord government 'NAG' , as the supreme leader of the Libyan army , had issued a resolution to establish a special operation room , to lead the military operation against Da'esh organization , in the area located between Sirt and Misrata. The council in its resolution , asserted that the room , which is headed by "Basher Gadi" , is directly affiliated to the supreme leader of the Libyan army. The resolution , prohibits any military or paramilitary force , from engaging in any combat operation between Sirt... Read more

Italian navy: rescuing 1759 illegal migrants in the Mediterranean.

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Rome, 06.05.2016 - Lana - On Friday , the Italian navy was been able to rescue 1759 illegal immigrants in the Mediterranean , in the last 24 hours , who were on boats at Sicily channel. The Italian 'ANSAmed" news agency , quoted from navy sources as saying ; "the frigate 'Grikal' had rescued 698 illegal migrants in two separate operation , as the patrol boat 'Bateka' rescued 588 persons in five separate operations , and the frigate 'Bergamina' rescued 473 migrants in three operations". Its noteworthy , that the sea rout between Italy and Libya , had become the main path for illegal... Read more

Dozens of displaced families from Sirt city asking for safe corridors.

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Sirt, 06,05,2016 - Lana - The displaced families from Sirt city , had asked all competent parties , to open safe corridors for them , and to intervene to rescue dozens of families stuck inside the city. Eyewitnesses from the city on Friday , in a phone call with - Lana - said , that the city had become more like a ghost city , and the districts are completely vacant of their residences , confirming that dozens of families including old people , children , and pregnant women , are trapped since last Thursday , because of the closure of the road linking between Sirt and Misrata , due to... Read more

UNSMIL calls for support to the health system in libya.

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Geneva, 06.05.2016 - Lana - The UNSMIL had appealed to the international community , for providing funds to support the health system , which was stripped of medical expertise and the necessary equipments , such as sterilization tools. In a statement on Thursday , the mission said that twelve births have died last month in Libya , because of shortages in the main health services. It added , that there are lack of workers and materials in the hospitals of Libya , pointing out that the number of deaths is increasing , due to infection and lack of resources. =... Read more
