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World News: Political News

Libyan airplanes resume flights to Tunis-Carthage airport.

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Tunisia, 10.06.2016 - Lana - The Libyan airplanes on Thursday , resumed their flights to Tunis-Carthage international airport , after a stoppage for more than six months , due to security reasons. Official sources in the Tunisian civil aviation office , in press statements said , that on Thursday , had registered the first landing of a Libyan passenger plane , in Tunis-Carthage international airport. =... Read more

European commission allocates six million euros to support stability efforts in Libya.

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Brussels, 10.06.2016 - Lana - The European commission had announced the allocation of six million euros , for stability efforts support in Libya. The commission in its statement , according to the Italian 'AKI' news agency quotation , by saying that five millions euros of this amount is for the stability fund for Libya , which is an initiative from the Libyan UN backed government , aims to modernize infrastructure in areas affected by conflicts , "in order to allow the return of the main services in the municipalities and regions , and to re-launch the economic activity". =... Read more

Elyusr charity in Tarhona distributes more than 600 Ramadan baskets to needed families in the city.

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Tripoli, 09.06.2016 - Lana - Elyusr charity in Tarhona municipality , had started distributing food aid , to the needed and displaced families in the city. Chief in charge of the charity department , said that the charity had distributed 622 Ramadan baskets , for number of needed , displaced , poor , widowers and divorcees in Tarhona. The charity had also distributed humanitarian aid to 300 displaced families from Sirt and its suburbs , which included blankets , mattresses and detergent materials ; he added. =... Read more

Siala Says Consultations Underway for Return of Embassies to Tripoli.

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Tripoli, 8 June 2016(Lana) The Government of National Accord Foreign Minister Mohamed Al Taher Siala has said that consultations were being conducted with several countries for the return of their embassies to Tripoli. In an interview with the Italian Aki News Agency, Siala said most Arab and European embassies have visited their embassies premises, carried out proper maintenance and acquainted themselves with the security situation in the capital, and instead of carrying out daily routine in Tunisia they now frequently coming to Tripoli conduct their work from there. He noted... Read more

Siala: Distinguished Relations With Rome, Agreement to Re-activate Friendship Treaty.

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Tripoli, 8 June 2016(Lana) The GNA Foreign Minister Mohamed Siala has described relations between Rome and Tripoli as distinguished, and said there was an agreement to reactivate the friendship treaty in accordance with the joint statement. In an interview with the Italian Aki news agency Siala said 'as a result of geography and history, the relationship isn't distinguished only now, but ever since the establishment of the Rome convention which founded the European Common Market before the EU, Italy insisted that a special statement on Libya case be issued on the distinguished... Read more
