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World News: Political News

Nalut hosting reconciliation gathering welcomed.

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Tripoli, 17.08.2016(Lana) General Coordinator of Libya Sheikhs, Ayub Al-Shara has welcomed Nalut City call to host an inclusive gathering of all Libyan parties, describing it as a significant event to achieve national reconciliation. Al-Shara said the gathering will see participation of parties to the conflict including political, and military elites and would put in place fundamental solutions to the issues witnessed by the country. He underscored that the General secretariat of Libya Elderly Council welcomes Nalut's hosting of this gathering and blesses it. The... Read more

IMO: number of displaced in Libya down by 18%.

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Tripoli, 17.08.2016(Lana) IMO said the number of the displaced in Libya declined by 18% in July and August. IMO said in a statement Wednesday based on study results conducted in July and August in 533 sites in Libya that the number of the displaced in the country went down from 425,250 to 348,372 people in July and August. According to the outcome of the survey, the number of Libyans returned to their country during that period is about 310,265 people that is over 20% of figures recorded during the same previous period. =... Read more


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Al Ghussary: Fortified Structure are about to liberate Serte completely. Tripoli, 17.08.2016(Lana) Fortified Structure Forces began liberating District 3 in Serte, the last stronghold of deash in Serte. Fortified Structure spokesman, Brig. Mohamed Al-Ghussary said in a phone call with Sawa radio 'what remains of Serte only District 3 after liberating it we can proclaim liberation of serte. Fortified Structure forces tightened their control of District 2 in Serte and advance to end some pockets of resistance in District 1' he said. Daesh terrorist organization tried to... Read more

Military engineering starts mine clearing in District 2 in Serte.

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Serte, 17.08.2016(Lana) Military engineering began mine clearing in District 2 in Serte. Fortified structure spokesman Brig Mohamed Al-Ghassery told Lana in Serte Wednesday that members of military engineers began mine clearing and bobby traps planted by Daesh in the area. The combing of the area is continuing and all liberated areas by heroes of the Fortified Structure Operation and so-called daesh elements are besieged and would be eliminated in District one of serte and the one thousand blocks and other small districts, he added. He said bodies of daesh terrorists are... Read more

National flag hosted over liberated state buildings in Serte.

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Serte, 16.08.2016(Lana) The national flag was hosted over liberated state buildings from which daesh was rooted out in Serte. Lana reporter in Serte said the national flag was hoisted in large areas of the city of Serte including Ouagadougou Compound, Serte University, Guest Palaces, Iben Sina Hospital and many other state buildings in the city. =... Read more
