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World News: Political News

A judge of what so called Da'esh organization killed.

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Sirt, 12.08.2016 - Lana - A military source in the 'fortifies structure' , said that a judge in what so called the legitimate court of Da'esh terrorist organization , was killed during clashes on Thursday , at the vicinity of 'Wagadogu' halls downtown Sirt. The military source added to - Lana - reporter in Sirt , that "Abu-Mohamed Walid al-Bue'ashi al-Ferjani" , was found along with number of Da'esh elements , and were killed in the battle of liberating 'Wagadogu' conference halls. =Lana=... Read more

IOM discusses ways to release number of migrants and return them back to their countries.

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Tripoli, 12.08.2016 - Lana - The international organization for migration 'IOM' , said that it had helped representatives for seven African embassies in Libya , to visit 'Salah Edien' shelter center for illegal migrants in Tripoli , which includes 350 migrants from west Africa. The organization said , that it had coordinated with the Libyan authorities , in order to see the migrants conditions , and to discuss the possibility of releasing them. IOM said that most of the illegal migrants , had expressed their wish to return to their countries … asserting that this visit , is a part of... Read more

Six western countries demand handing oil facilities to NAG.

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Tripoli, 22.08.2016 - Lana - Six western countries in a joint declaration , demanded that all oil facilities in Libya should return to NAG authority , without any delay or reservations. In the announcement according to France press agency said ; "that the governments of Germany , Spain , U.S. , France , Italy and UK , demand the return of all oil facilities , without preconditions , reservations , nor delay to the legitimate national authority , which is the national accord government 'NAG'. The six countries demanded all parties to refrain any hostile action , and to avoid any action... Read more

Italian security official: raising the level of ports security in not linked to Libya.

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Rome, 12.08.2016 - Lana - An Italian security official said ; "increasing the ports security level in the country by the coastal guards , has nothing to do with the situations in Libya". Chief on the Italian police "Franco Gabriele" , said to the Italian news agency "AKI" , that "this procedure came out through a recent meeting , by the special ministry for seas and ports security , in which its members had to take such decision , according to our general living standard , to raise monitoring levels". "We all have to be aware that we live in danger , and we could be a target or a... Read more

NOC meets with audit office.

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Tripoli, 12.08.2016 - Lana - The meeting which was held between the national oil corporation 'NOC' , and the audit office , and attended by number of officials from both sides , was dedicated to view and discuss number of subjects related to the corporation activities. =... Read more
