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World News: Political News

Oil Installations guard deplores House of Representatives decision.

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Aujela, 24.08.2016(Lana) Oil Installations Guard, central sector, deplored House of Representatives' decision with a view to weaken the GNA In statement, it said the House of Representatives has become under the control of group aimed at derailing the political accord, which achieved consensus by the Libyans. The aim of the decision was to put pressure to obtain several ministerial portfolios in any coming government even if it is at the expense of the people and the homeland, it added. In statement, the oil installation guards said such positions indicate a political... Read more

International relief committee offers medicine and medical equipment to Misrata hospital.

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Misrata, 24.08.2016(Lana) Libyan Red Crescent, Misrat branch received Tuesday a shipment of first aid and medical equipment offered by the Relief Committee. Director of the media Office, Ali Al-Ghawial said in a statement to Lana reporter that the aid the first to be offered by the committee. he said the shipment would be distributed to Misrata Emergency Hospital in the coming days. =... Read more

Libya signs agreement with EU to train Libyan coast guard.

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Rome, 24.08.2016 (Lana) Libya and the EU signed in Rome Tuesday a MoU for cooperation between Libyan navy and EU navy on training and surveillance of the southern central Mediterranean. The MoU was signed for the Libyan side by Brig Abdulla Toumya and Commander of Sofia operation Adm. Enrick at the operation's headquarters in Rome. Following the signing of the MoU Sofia operation commander said the MoU signed yesterday was yet a major step towards the beginning of cooperation with the navy forces and Libya coast guard. =... Read more

High State Council condmns in statmnet acts of President of the House of Represenatives and the extermist minority supporting him.

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Tripoli, 23.08.2016(Lana) High State Council condmned what it described s 'political apathy and ocntradicting and irresponsible practices by President of the House of Represenatives and the extermist minority supporting him, ciompletly ignoring the difficult situatio faced by the citizen and the homeland'. In a statmnet, the Council urged the majority within the House of Represnattives to shoulder their responsibikities and advocate the national interest and rectify the the approach of their House in order to support current efforts for the restoration of security and stability of... Read more

Battalion 77 of Fortified Structure uncovers quantity of gold and money left behind by Daesh.

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Serte, 23.08.2016 (Lana) Battalion 77 of the Fortified Structure Operation uncovered quantities of money and gold, arms and top up cards and other equipment inside their courts. The media office iof the Fortified structure relaesed photoes of gold, arms, and equipment besides other notes such as Tusiian bank notes. Battlion 77 handed over these things to the relecant authorities. = .... Read more
