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Tripoli, 22.12..2016(Lana) The advisor to the GNA Ministry of Economy, Hassan Ben Taher said that the Ministry of Economy has plans to import basic food stuff at cost price. Ben Taher said the ministry has various plans to collect the currency outside the control of the banks. In press statements he said among the plans importing basic food stuff at cost price and obliging traders a marginal profit, enabling obtaining large quantities of cash with the traders and then control its sale in accordance with bank policies'. He denied, however, any connections with the... Read more
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Tripoli, 22.12.2016(Lana) National Oil Corporation has announced that Sharara oil production reached 58,000 barrels following few hours of its reoperationalization and ending its two-year stoppage. In statement on its website Thursday, NOC said; 'NOCِ has given its instructions to the operating company to start production from the fields and conduct necessary tests and launch maintenance work'. NOC is trying to increase production from Sharara and the Elephant oil fields estimated at 175,000 barrels within a month to reach 270,000 bpd within three months. Sharara oil... Read more
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Tripoli, 22.12.2016 (Lana) Chairman of National Oil Corporation, Mustafa Sanalla discusses with Eni Executive Director several projects and common work and ways to ease difficulties encountering Eni work in Libya. The meeting held in Cairo also reviewed existing joint projects between the institution and Eni in 'Peace Sea Project' in its second phase, which well is expected to become operational by year end. They also discussed supply natural gas to Zawuara desalination plant to contribute to its non-halt, improve its production and reduce liquefied fuel consumption and... Read more
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Tripoli, 22.12.2016 (Lana) State Minister for Women and Societal developmental affairs, Asma Al Austa met with the deputy head of the British embassy and head of political programmes at the embassy. Al Austa briefed the British delegation on the ministry's work mechanism, being consultative body concerned with developing policies pertaining to societal development. She also singled out the targeted units such as youth, women, child and special groups. She also explained plans and programmes to be pursued by the ministry on development for youth to invest their potentials. ... Read more
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Tripoli, 22.12.2016 (Lana) Chairman of National Oil Corporation, Mustafa Sanalla met in Cairo with the Egyptian Minister of Petroleum and Mineral Resources, Taraq Al Mala with whom he discussed joint cooperation in oil and gas. The two sides also discussed cooperation and exchange of expertise between oil and gas companies and cooperation mechanisms with Egyptian companies in capacity building and training in technical, financial and administrative fields. =... Read more