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World News: Political News

Arab Parliament calls on Libyans to set on negotiation table to exit the crisis.

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Cairo, 24 April 2017 (Lana) Arab Parliament renewed Monday its call to all parties to the conflict in Libya to set down on the negotiation table to exit the crisis experienced by the country. President of Arab parliament, Mishael Al-Salami said at a speech before the 5th session of the second legislative session of Arab parliament, I call on Libyan parties to set down a negotiation table for political dialogue to reach a political settlement that ensures integrity of Libya. He welcomed Arab efforts and those made by Arab Secretary General representative in Libya to... Read more

Transport and Interior Ministries Undersecretaries Hold Meeting inside Mi'tiga Airport.

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Tripoli, 23 April 2017(Lana) A meeting was convened inside Mi;tiga International Airport which brought together the Ministry of Transport Hisham Abu Shkeiwat, the Ministry of Interior Undersecretary Abdul Salam Ashour, the Director of Mi'tiga Airport, the Head of Airports Authority, the Director of Security of Mi'tiga Airport, the Chairman of Board of the Libyan Airlines Co. And other security officials to discuss the security breaches in Mi'tiga Airport. Abu Shkeiwat tackled the issue of activating the security apparatus at Mi'tiga Airport and the need for coordination... Read more

Governor of Central Bank of Libya reveals host of facts behind country's financial crisis.

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Tripoli, 23 April 2017 (Lana) Governor of Central Bank of Libya, Al Sadiq Al-Kabier revealed Sunday a host of facts behind the country's financial crisis and issues facing Libyan people. At press conference, Sunday at the bank in Tripoli, he said oil revenues dwindled from 53 in 2012 to 4.08 billion dollars in 2016 by decrease of 91%, for the Libyan economy is a welfare economy fully based on oil and is negatively and positively effected quickly by oil production and export and its prices. He said the situation reflected on the decreased GNP specially in the last four... Read more

President of Presidency Council praises outcome of anti- fuel smuggling campaign.

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Tripoli, 23 April 2017(Lana) President of Presidency Council, Fayez Serraj has met Sunday in Tripoli with head of the Fuel and gas Crisis committee, Milad Al-Hajrassi. Al-Hajrassi reviewed at the meeting operations made by the committee with support of the Libyan navy and air force to pursue smuggling tankers in sea and tankers smuggling fuel by land. Serraj praised outcome of the anti- fuel smuggling campaign, urging the committee to continue its work and intensify efforts to fight smuggling until it is completely eradicated, to safeguard Libyan resources. ... Read more

Kobler to Visit Algeria on Wednesday for UN-Algerian Consultations.

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Algiers, 23 April 2017(Lana) The Head of the UN Support Mission in Libya Martin Kobler is visiting Algeria on Wednesday as part of the continuous consultation over the crisis in Libya, according to a statement by the Algerian Foreign Affairs Ministry. 'As part of the joint effort between the UN and Algeria, the UN Special Envoy to Libya Martin Kobler will conduct a working visit to Algeria on Wednesday April 26, for further consultations, the statement said. Kobler will hold talks with the Algerian Minister in Charge of Maghreb, AU and Arab League Affairs Abdul Gader... Read more
