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Tripoli, 17 April 2017(Lana) The GNA Foreign Minister Mohamed Siala on Monday met the Indonesian Ambassador Rodain Anwar. Bilateral relations and ways of upgrading exchange between the two countries have been discussed at the meeting. In statements following the meeting, the Indonesian Ambassador said his talks with the Foreign Minister dealt with issues of common interest and arrangements for the re-opening of the Indonesian Embassy in Tripoli as well as facilitating granting of entry visas for the citizens of the two countries. =... Read more
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Tripoli, 17 April 2017(Lana) The Government of National Accord Minister of Economy Naser Fadhal Allah Aoun has assumed his post at an official event attended by the Cabinet Secretary General. Aoun said he was thankful for the confidence the Council put in him and that he looked forward to working to boost the economy and resolve the bottlenecks which affect the daily lives of the citizens and to provide basic staff with affordable prices. Aoun is a university professor and has PhD in economic and financial policies from the University of Cairo. =... Read more
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Tripoli, 17 April 2017(Lana) The Central Bank of Libya has denied that Al Sediq Al Kabir has any pages on SMS networks, either personal or in his capacity as the Governor of the Central Bank of Libya. The Bank said the SMS pages purportedly linked to Al Kabir were false, and nether Al Kabir nor the Central Bank has anything to do with them or what they publish, and that the sole official channel which expresses the opinion of the bank and the Governor was the official website and the SMS pages, which were previously published and notified. =... Read more
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Tripoli, 17 April 2017(Lana) The Foreign Ministry has started sorting out documents related to cooperation with foreign countries in anticipation of launching the so called 'National Memory for International Cooperation for the Libyan State.' According to the Head of International Cooperation Mohamed Al Koni, the project which is personally overseen by the Foreign Minister Mohamed Siala is a national project in which all state sectors take part, with the aim of providing information for decision makers in the Libyan state. Work on the project involves three main, ... Read more
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Tripoli, 17 April 2017(Lana) The Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord has issued decision No (324) on appointment of an Education Ministry Undersecretary. The first article of the decision stipulated appointment of Ayman Muftah Al Gmati as Undersecretary for the Ministry of Education, while the second article provided for the rules of the previous decision No (80) of 2016 to be valid along with those provided for by this decision. The article (30 called for the this decision to be applicable from date of issuance and the competent authorities to implement... Read more