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World News: Political News

Presidency Council Announces Thursday Official Holiday on Prophet Birthday.

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Tripoli, 29 November 2017(Lana) The Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord has announced that tomorrow Thursday would be an official holiday in Libya, to mark the birthday of the Prophet Mohamed Peace Be Upon Him, in accordance with the Holidays Law No. (5) of 2012. The Council extended greetings to the Libyan people and Muslim peoples across the world on this occasion wishing them many returns and for Libya stability and prosperity. =... Read more

Ministry of Health Primary health care department says it would lay down successful policies to offer health services.

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Tripoli, 28 November 2017 (Lana) Ministry of Health Primary health care department said the development of basic health services would lay down successful policies to offering health services. Director of Primary Health Care Department, GHassan Kareem explained that ' Development package of the basic Health Services' launched by the programme to reinforce the health system in Libya, is bound to help the health sector to proceed in the path to improving health services quality. ' The public suffer from weakness and sometimes absence of public services, leaving the... Read more

President of Presidency Council Receives EU Envoy.

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Tripoli, 28 October 2017(Lana) The President of the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord Fayez Al Serraj met the AU Envoy, the Social Affairs Commissioner of the Union Amira Al Fadhel who conveyed the compliments of the President of the AU to the Head of the Libyan Government, and support for its effort to overcome all obstacles. The Envoy said the AU was prepared to support the GNA effort in respect to caring for migrants and combating traffickers. On his part Al Serraj said the GNA was committed to cement relations with the African Union in... Read more

Sawihli meets UNSMIL head and hands over HSC response.

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Tripoli, 28 November 2017 (Lana) President of the High State Council, Dr Abdurrahman Al Sawihli discussed Monday with the Head of UNSMIL, Ghassan Salama, development of the UN work plan on Libya and development of negotiation on amendment of the Libyan political accord. Sawihli underlined at the meeting held with Ghassan Salama and his accompanying delegation in Tripoli in the presence of second president, Mohamed Al Meazeb and rapportuer Al-Ejili Abusadail, and head of the committee to amend the political accord, Musa Faraj and other members, the keen interest of the... Read more

State Minister for Institution Restructuring discusses enforcement of resolution on handicapped rights.

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Tripoli, 28 November 2017(Lana) State Minister for Institution Restrcturing discusses enforcement of resolutions on handicapped rights. The meeting held at the Government Head Office and attended by members of the Libyan Association of the Handicapped discussed diffciulties and challnegs facing the hanidcapped espcailly on non-compliance with Libyan legislation in terms of some benifits such as government resolution No 664/2008. =... Read more
