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Tripoli, 30 January 2018(Lana) The President of the Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord Fayez Al Serraj on Monday reviewed with the ad hoc committee for repatriation of the Tauergha displaced to their homes. During a meeting with members of the Midrate and Taught Councils, Al Serra discussed the security arrangements and the services that needed to be activated for the displaced to be able to return to their homes. According to the Council's Information Office , the meeting was attended by the Chairman of the Committee, Minister of Displaced Affairs... Read more
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Misrata, 30 January 2018 (Lana) Director of Media and Al bariqa marketing Company, Ahmed Al Misallati that arrangements are underway to supply the south of the country with fuel through Misrata oil depot. In a statement to Lana, Al Misalati said a meeting comprising deputy minister of economy and industry fuel marketing chief at Al Briqa Company, Commander Joint Operations Room, Murzeq basin, Al; Qattron Military Council, Commander of Oil Installations Guard and Fuel Crisis Committee. =... Read more
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Addis Arab, 30 January 2018(Lana) Libya was elected by the African heads of state and governments at the AU Summit here, as the First Deputy President of African Union. Libya was also elected as Deputy Chairman of the Ministerial Follow up Committee of implementation of Agenda 2063, and a member of the open-membership committee concerned with the International Criminal Court. The election of Libya to those positions is a boost to Libya's standing both on the Arab and African levels. =... Read more
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Tripoli, 30 January 2018(Lana) The GNA Interior Ministry Undersecretary Abdul Salam Ashour on Monday held an extended meeting with the mayors and municipalities and head of security directorates in the western and Al Gabal regions as well as the Chairman of the Board of Al Breiga Oil Marketing Company and the Company's crisis committee. The meeting focused on ways of curbing the smuggling of fuel, and to ensure a steady supply of petrol for domestic use throughout the country. In a statement to the Libyan news agency, the Undersecretary said several measures have been... Read more
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Tripoli, 30 January 2018(Lana) The Presidency Council of the Government of National Accord on Monday continued discussion of cabinet reshuffle and enlargement of the government. The meeting also dealt with the economic situation and financial arrangements as well as considering reports by the government agencies over the 2018 budget and addressing the economic challenges. The President and members of the council have decided at a meeting they held on Jan. 17 to remain in constant meeting. =... Read more