National Oil Company Declares Affiliation With National Consensus Government.
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Tripoli, 3 April 2016(Lana) The Nation Oil Company NOC has
announced that it now is affiliated with the UN-backed National
consensus Government in Libya.
The CEO of the company Sun'allah Al Zwei said in a statement posted
on the Company's website, ' we work with the National Consensus
Government led by Fayz Al Saraj, to we would leave divisions
behind.'We now have a legal framework to work within, he added.
The NOC, for decades, is running the oil sector of the country
which boasts the largest oil reserves in Africa estimated at 48
billion barrels.
The NOC is handling exploration work, marketing of oil and gas both
inside and outside the country as well as contracting local and
foreign companies.
Meanwhile, the Head of Oil Installations Guard Force, which secures
main oil terminals in eastern Libya said he would not allow oil to be
exported except for the benefit of the National Consensus
The UN Security Council welcomed the move, calling on all countries
to stop dealing with a parallel NOC in eastern Libya.
The NOC supports the UN Security Council statement on restricting
trading with the UN-sponsored government, Sun-allah said.