Ban Ki Mon Urges Libyans to Unity.
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Tripoli, 29 March 2106(Lana) The UN Secretary General Ban Ki Mon
has urged Libyans to unite to face what he termed spread of influence
of so called Islamic State or Da'esh in Libya.
The Tunisian News Agency quoted Ban as saying 'we are deeply
concerned by the spread of Da'esh in Libya, which we have to stop
..and if we want to stop Da'esh spreading in this country we have to
set up a consensus government as soon as possible.
He expressed his regrets for the fact that Libya were unable to
overcome their differences. He urged Libyans to form a unity
government with one voice.
As to the available choices in case of the status quo continued,
Ban said 'there are issues being studied at the UN Security Council
without giving details.