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Civil affairs and 'Aman' bank agree on activating E-cards.

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Tripoli, 07.02.2016 - Lana - The civil affairs authority and 'Aman' bank , have agreed on activating the bank's E-cards , and to connect the bank system with the national number system. The authority said through its page on the social network 'FaceBook' , that reaching the agreement between the authority president 'Mohamed Boker' , and 'Aman' bank manager 'Mokhtar S'hili' , came as an execution to the central Libya bank 'CLB' resolution , not to make any transaction without the national number , and to make sure of the correct data of E-cards holders as quick as possible , without any delay in the procedures , in order to secure the citizens data from forgery. Its noteworthy , that the civil affairs authority had modernized an application for android and ios on I-phones , to facilitate communication among its employees and citizens all the same , and to provide its services in a fast time and lesser effort. =Lana=