French Defence Minister: It is Imperative to Reach Political Solution to Libyan Crisis.
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Tripoli, 1 February 2106(Lana) French Defence Minister Jean-Yves
Le Drian said it was imperative to reach a speedy solution to the
Libyan crisis to enable the international community to offer military
assistance to the proposed consensus government to prevent expansion
of Da'esh in the country.
In a television interview, the Minister said 'a national
consensus government has to be reached as a serious political
process, being unanimously adopted by the UN Security Council.
Da'esh is taking a foothold in Libya, and the international
community is very concerned, particularly that they are 250 km from
the Italian island of Lampedoza, Le Drian said, adding that when
weather improves fighters might cross to Europe hiding among
Everyone realizes the danger of transferring conflict from the
East to open a new one in Libya, considering the only way to wipe it
out was the political unity of all Libyan parties.
Le Drian statements came days after repeated western statements
which analysts saw as a beating the drums of war for an imminent
strike against terrorist Da'esh group in Libya.