Libya Celebrates Independence Day on Thursday.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 23 December 2015(Lana) Tomorrow Thursday Libya will be
celebrating the independence day on 24 December 1951. The date
crowned decades of struggle which the people of Libya had to wage
against the Italian occupation of Libya.
On this date 64 years ago the Emir Idris Al Senussi declared from
Al Manar palace in Benghazi to the world and indeed to the people of
Libya that Libya had become an independent sovereign state.
The news were received with great joy and jubilation by the
people who celebrated in August 9 Square in Benghazi.
Today the Libyan people mark the Independence Day with added joy
and a sense of accomplishment; having realized the second liberation
of the country by eliminating the tyrannical regime which brought
Libya to its knees, during more than 4 decades of dictatorship and
As we celebrate this anniversary we must stand firm against those
who seek to obstruct the country's new start to put in place justice,
equality and law enforcement institutions for a brighter future for
all citizens of this country.
The current phase is crucial and requires us all to join ranks
to rebuild the nation, and for us to move away from factionalism,
tribalism and personal agenda to create a free and prosperous state
in which all enjoy freedom and prosperity.