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Security Council renews measures to impose an arms embargo on Libya.

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New York, June 01, 2024 (LANA) - Nine members of the Security Council voted in its session yesterday, Friday, to agree to renew the measures related to the implementation of the arms embargo imposed on Libya for an additional year, as well as to renew the mandate granted to member states to inspect ships in international waters off the coast of Libya suspected of It violates UN resolutions.

The resolution allows member states, acting at the national level or through regional organizations, to inspect ships in international waters off Libya. The decision added amendments to the fifth paragraph of Resolution No. 2292 of 2015, which allows the disposal of confiscated materials after the approval of the committee of experts established pursuant to Resolution No. 1970 of 2011.

The representative of Malta stressed that (Operation IRINI, which is implemented by the European Union in the Mediterranean, is evidence of the bloc’s commitment to establishing peace and stability in Libya), and stated that the European operation inspected 27 ships, conducted more than 14,000 appeals, 600 friendly approaches, and provided more than 50 requests.

The first Security Council resolution regarding the detention of ships off the coast of Libya was issued in October 2015. Today’s resolution represents an extension of the original mandate.
