US renews support to GNA.
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Washington, 12.02.2017(Lana) The USA has renewed its support to
the GNA in addressing all security and economic challenges
experienced by Libya. This came in the first statement Saturday, by
the US State Department on Libya ever since the new Secretary of
State assumed his duties in President Trump administration.
The statement said the US encourages all Libyans to support
political reconciliation and GNA in addressing all security and
economic challenges passed by the country.
The start net stressed the need to build a unified Libyan
national military forces subjected to civilian leadership capable of
providing security to all Libyans and fight terrorist organizations.
In its statement the US State Department warned in its statement;
divisions and lack of coordination among Libyan forces, adding that
the first beneficiary is daesh and terrorist organizations which try
to exploit Libyan soil and resources.