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GNA Delegated Minister of Health Discuss Needs of Healthcare Sector and Medicine Crisis.

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Tripoli, 26 December 2016(Lana) The Delegate Minister of Health of the Government of National Accord Omar Bashir discussed at a meeting on Sunday with Cabinet undersecretary for Services Affairs Hind Shubar, the Head of Pharmaceutical and Medical Equipment Department of the Tripoli Central Hospital Nahed Al Maki, the needs of the health sector and medicine especially that of chronic diseases like diabetes, cancer and hypertension. Needs of hospitals throughout Libya and working in concert with the Medical Supply Services were also discussed at the meeting which was conducted at the headquarters of the Health Ministry in Tripoli. The Minister said the healthcare services were keen to provide health services to patients particularly diabetes and cancer patients. The Healthcare sector is in need of support from the GNA and the other relevant bodies in the country to facilitate suspended imports of medicine particularly the badly needed ones. =Lana=