Unisia underscore importance of addressing Libyan crisis on bases of political accord and rejected any military intervention.
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Tunis, 09.11.2016(OLana) French Foreign Ministry underscored the
importance of addressing the Libyan crisis on the bases of the
political accord and rejected any foreign military intervention, and
the need to work for confidence building among the Libyans and
realize stability, peace and security.
This came in a statement released Tuesday by the Tunisian Foreign
Ministry, on the participation of the Tunisian State Minister, Sabri
Bash Tabji in the joint meeting of the African High Committee on
Libya with the Libya neighbours group in Addis Ababa.
On his part, Tabji said Addis Ababa meetings would contribute to
social peace, drive the political process, and support the GNA.
Tunisia announced an initiative top convene an international
meeting on its soil early next year.