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Sanalla: we lost 27 billion dollars due to closure Shara and the E;ephant oil fields.

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Tripoli, 18.10.2016(Lana) Chairman of the National oil Corporation, Mustafa Sanalla said the NOC is facing major problems such as closure of pipeline valves of Shara and the Elephant Oil fields by armed group and which pump 400,000 bpd in normal circumstances. "The closure of the valves caused losses of 27 billion dollars' Sanalla added in press statement, he said he would file a criminal law suit against them with the public prosecutor. he confirmed that oil belongs for all Libyan people and not for one category, and there are no longer reason to hamper its export because all oil ports are open in the east of the country. Sanna asked Zentan wise men help in opening the valves without preconditions. =Lana=