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Nalut hosting reconciliation gathering welcomed.

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Tripoli, 17.08.2016(Lana) General Coordinator of Libya Sheikhs, Ayub Al-Shara has welcomed Nalut City call to host an inclusive gathering of all Libyan parties, describing it as a significant event to achieve national reconciliation. Al-Shara said the gathering will see participation of parties to the conflict including political, and military elites and would put in place fundamental solutions to the issues witnessed by the country. He underscored that the General secretariat of Libya Elderly Council welcomes Nalut's hosting of this gathering and blesses it. The General Secretariat of Libya Elderly Council called in a statement for the implementation of the political accord and for a referendum on the draft constitution. The General Coordinate of Libya Elderly also supported efforts made by the dignitaries and that the Elderly Council distances itself from the political, regional polarizations, as well as religious and ideological bigotry. =Lana=