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Al-Hawaij and the Korean ambassador to Libya discuss developing a mechanism to organize a Libyan-Korean economic forum in Tripoli next November.

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Tripoli, July 18, 2024 (LANA) - The Minister of Economy and Trade of the Government of National Unity, “Mohammed Al-Hawaij,” discussed with the South Korean Ambassador to Libya, Jang Jehak, on Wednesday evening, the development of a mechanism to organize a Libyan-Korean economic forum in the capital, Tripoli, in November 2024.  According to the Ministry of Economy on its official page, major Korean companies, investors, and business owners in both countries are scheduled to participate under the supervision of the Ministry... Read more

LANA-Al-Jufra: A night security campaign to demonstrate security and control the main street in the cities of Al-Jufra.

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Al-Jufra, July 18, 2024 (LANA) - The cities of the municipality of Al-Jufra, Hun, Sukna, and Woddan last night witnessed a massive security campaign to declare security and control the main street.  The heads of the branches of other security services in the region, the Traffic and Licensing Department, Internal Security, Rescue, police stations in cities, and central support participated in the campaign, which was supervised by the Director of the Jufra Security Directorate. It aimed to... Read more

Dabaiba meets a delegation from the Republic of Niger.

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Tripoli, July 18, 2024 (LANA) - The Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, Abdul Hamid Dabaiba, met on Wednesday evening with a delegation from the Republic of Niger, including a member of the National Council for the Defense of the Homeland, Colonel Abdul Rahman Amadou, and the Chief of Staff of the National Council, Colonel Ebro Amadou Basharu, on the sidelines of the Trans-Mediterranean Migration Forum, hosted in the capital, Tripoli.  According to a publication issued by the Government of National Unity, Amadou... Read more

Al-Nuwairi and Aburas participate in the parliamentary forum in New York.

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New York, July 17, 2024 (LANA) - First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Fawzi Al-Nuwairi, participated, along with Council Member Rabia Abu Ras, in the Parliamentary Forum, which was organized on the sidelines of the High-Level Political Forum (HLPR) at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.  The forum focused on sustainable development goals (peace, justice, and strong institutions) and climate action, according to Parliament spokesman Abdullah Belhaq. Council member... Read more

Al-Menfi receives the Tunisian Prime Minister.

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Tripoli, July 17, 2024 (LANA) - The President of the Presidential Council, Mohamed Al-Menfi, received this Wednesday morning at the Council’s headquarters, the Prime Minister of Tunisia, Ahmed Al-Hashani, who conveyed to him the greetings of President Kais Saied. The presidential media office said that the meeting dealt with following up on the progress of cooperation between the two countries and following up on the results of the tripartite meeting that brought together the heads of state of Libya, Tunisia and Algeria, in order... Read more
