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Jadu, 27.02.2016 - Lana - The security directorate of Jadu , today Saturday , mourned Sabrata security directorate element , who were killed in Sabrata incidents recently. The Jadu directorate , in a statement - which Lana got a copy of it - expressed its condolences to their families and Sabrata residents , asking Allah almighty to have mercy on their souls. Its noteworthy , that number of Sabrata security directorate elements , were killed on the hands of the terrorist Da'esh organization elements , when they attacked the security directorate in Sabrata last week. =Lana=... Read more
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Sabrata, 27.02.2016 - Lana - Today Saturday evening , Sabrata city areas and suburbs have witnessed a wide range combing , to all buildings and houses , looking for what was left of the terrorist organization 'Da'esh' elements. The military and municipality council in Sabrata , had appealed to all citizens in the city , to report on anything suspicious , or any extremist organization elements wanted , for their city and residents' security and safety. =Lana=... Read more
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Sabrata, 27.02.2016 - Lana - Mayor , members of Rigdaleen municipality council , dignitaries and wise-men of the city , on Saturday morning , had paid a visit to residents and the municipality council of Sabrata city. During the visit , Rigdaleen municipality council members , offered their condolences to Sabrata residents and sons , for the martyrs , who died defending their city and their honor , against what so called the terrorist organization Da'esh. The municipality council delegation and dignitaries , also congratulated Sabrata city residents , for their victory against Da.... Read more
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Sabrata, 27.02.2016 - Lana - The western military region had assigned the engineering battalion , to collect and dismantle mines and remnants of military clashes in Sabrata city , that took place between revolutionary battalions and Da'esh. Lana reporter in the city , said that the engineering battalion , had actually started Friday , dismantling number of cars in several locations and areas , that were ready to be exploded in Sabrata city … confirming that that the areas to be discovered and collecting what left of remnants are , Qasr al-A'alalga , al-Khatatba and Zawagha. =Lana=... Read more
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Tunisia, 27.02.2016 - Lana - The Tunisian defense minister "Farhat al-Hurshani" , on Friday , renewed his country's refusal to any military intervention in Libya. The defense minister , in a press statement during a visit to Ras-J'deer border crossing , said that his country is with the "political solution" in Libya , that base on a national unity government in Tripoli , and able to lead the country , secure the country borders and to control the situation. In this context , he said ; "Tunisia will help the new Libyan government , as soon as been endorsed by the house of... Read more