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World News: Political News

Coordinator for humanitarian affairs calls for moving civilians away from fighting areas in Benghazi.

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Benghazi, 12.03.2016 - Lana - The UN humanitarian affairs coordinator in libya , called for a ceasefire for humanitarian reasons , and letting civilians to move away from fighting areas in Benghazi. The UNSMIL , said that it had received reports saying , that number of families are stuck in fighting areas in Benghazi , especially in Ganfoda and Gwarsha ; as they are facing shortage in electricity , food and medical supplies. The coordinator , appealed to all parties to ensure a safe exit to all civilians trapped in fighting areas , and a ceasefire due to humanitarian reasons , so the... Read more

Kobler welcomes statement of Libyan political dialogue.

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Tripoli, 12.03.2016 - Lana - The UNSG special envoy for UNSMIL "Martin Kobler" , had welcomed the statement issued by members of the Libyan political dialogue , in the Tunisian capital Tunis. Kobler , praised the courage , insistence and harmony showed by the dialogue members , asserting the national community's consensus support , for the Libyan political dialogue. In a statement issued by the UNSMIL , Kobler said ; "there can't be political vacuum , it's time to start the establishing stage , the Libyan people is looking forward for a strong government , able to end division , and... Read more

Shortages of psychiatric illness medicines in Jalu.

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Jalu, 11.03.2016 - Lana - The medical supply stores in Jalu city , are suffering from severe shortage of psychiatric illness , and some of the chronic diseases medicines. Chief of health services department in Jalu municipality "Miftah Mossa" , said that they had addressed the competent health sectors in the country and others , but without receiving any response. Mossa, appealed to all officials in the health sector to take responsibility towards the patients , and to provide the necessary medicines for them as soon as possible. The health sector in Libya in general is witnessing , a... Read more

Italy: military solution will aggravate the crisis.

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Rome, 11.03.2016 - Lana - The Italian foreign minister "Paolo Gentiloni" , said that any hasty military action against Libya , is not an ideal solution , and could aggravate the crisis. Gentiloni , in a speech before the Italian parliament about Libya , said that any military operation by Italy inside Libya , will be according to the international and Italian laws , and with the approval of the Italian parliament , and it will be part of an operation sponsored by the UN , which aims to the formation of a unity government; as quoted by the US "Wall Street Journal". He pointed out ,... Read more

Gentelone: We will Respond to Any Security Demands Only by Libyan Government.

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Rome, 10 March 2016(Lana) Italian Foreign Minister Paolo Gentelone said 'we will only respond to any security demands by the next government in Libya, and we will do that after approval from Parliament.' Briefing the Parliament on the Libyan crisis on Wednesday, Gentolone repeated, according to the Italian Aki news agency, that his country would not be drawn into a foreign adventure that might endanger national security and in vain. The issue needs firmness, prudence and responsibility, he said. he warned against the danger of mixing this with the legitimate defence of the... Read more
