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World News: Political News

Head of presidential council meets Saudi foreign minister in Istanbul.

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Istanbul, 16.04.2016 - Lana - The Saudi foreign minister "Adel Jubair" , had congratulated head of the presidential council 'Fayez Saraj" , on the council's start of work from the capital Tripoli. Jubair during the meeting on Friday , on the sideline of the Islamic corporation summit in Istanbul , affirmed the kingdom's support to the Libyan people's choices , calling all parties to commit to the political accord articles. The Saudi minister , showed his country's readiness to provide the necessary support to the national accord government 'NAG' , in number of fields , such as... Read more

Presidential council continues its meetings with the central bank governor.

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Tripoli, 15.05.2016 - Lana - The presidential council of the national accord government 'NAG' , had held a meeting with the central Libya bank 'CLB' governor , Sadiq al-Kabeer. During the meeting which was held on Thursday evening , in the headquarter of the council in Tripoli , dealt with mechanisms to start opening credits for supply commodities , as well as number of other issues , such as resolving various sectors problems , on top of that the power sector. The meeting also , dealt with asserting on the importance to put a time table , to improve the economic situation of the... Read more

Saraj meets with Malaysian PM in Istanbul.

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Tripoli, 15.04.2015 -Head of the presidential council of the national accord government 'NAG' Fayez Saraj , on Thursday , met with the Malaysian prime minister "Mohamed Najib Razak" , on the sideline of the Islamic corporation summit , in the Turkish capital Istanbul. The Malaysian PM congratulated head and members of the presidential council for their entry to the capital Tripoli , and staring their work from it. The meeting dealt with , discussing and resuming mutual corporation in the economic and educational fields , where the Malaysian PM showed his country's readiness , to... Read more

Saraj meets Oglu in Istanbul.

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Istanbul, 15.04.2016 - Lana - Head of the presidential council of the national accord government 'NAG' Fayez Saraj , on Thursday evening , met with the Turkish prime minister "Ahmet Davut Oglu" , on the sideline of the Islamic cooperation summit in the Turkish capital Istanbul. The meeting dealt with ways to strengthen cooperation between the two countries , and the return of Turkish companies to Libya , to complete the halted projects , as well as investing in new ones. For his part Oglu welcomed the presidential council's entry to the capital Tripoli , and commencing its work from... Read more

NAB offers recommendations to improve transparency in Libyan institutions.

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Tripoli, 14.04.2016(Lana) National Audit Bureau (NAB) offered a host of recommendations to improve transparency in Libyan institutions. It stressed the significance of publishing laws and decisions issued by legislative and executive authorities in the media outlets including the internet and not to rely on the official gazette as sole source of publishing. NAB called on Ministry of Finance and Central Bank of Libya to regularly release to the public, economic and financial data and information including economic performance indexes, indicators of economic cycle, labor market... Read more
