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World News: Political News

New Amount of Libyan Currency Arrives at Mi'tiga Airport.

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Tripoli, 12 February 2017(Lana) The Central Bank of Libya has announced that it had taken hold of a new amount of paper currency which arrived by air to Mi'tiga Airport from the United Kingdom. The Bank said the currency which will be followed by other shipments over the next months would be used to alleviate the shortages in currency, and ease the suffering of citizens as a result. The CBL said it would distribute the currency to commercial banks all over the country in accordance with enforced regulations. =... Read more

House of Representatives Takes Part in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (5+5) in Morocco.

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Tripoli, 12 February 2017(Lana) A Libyan parliamentary delegation took part in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Mediterranean (5+5) meeting in Morocco which is being held the auspices of the Moroccan Parliament Council of Councilors. The meeting centered on means of combating terrorism and irregular migration in the Mediterranean basin. The delegation also took part in a seminar on 'combat of terrorism and violent extremism in the Mediterranean.' The meeting was held in implementation of a recommendation of the Parliamentary Assembly meeting held in Rome on December 15... Read more

Presidency Council of GNA releases statement on 'National Guard'.

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Tripoli, 12.02.2017(Lana) The GNA Presidency Council issued a statement saying that it followed up the announcement last two days by some groups of so-called National Guard and the armed parade. In statement, the Presidency Council said this group and those supporting it are rogue and would be dealt with on these bases by security and judiciary authority. 'This act is an attempt to create a parallel body to the Presidential guard of the GNA which was set up to protect state critical institutions under the political leadership' it added. 'The GNA Presidency Guard was... Read more

US renews support to GNA.

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Washington, 12.02.2017(Lana) The USA has renewed its support to the GNA in addressing all security and economic challenges experienced by Libya. This came in the first statement Saturday, by the US State Department on Libya ever since the new Secretary of State assumed his duties in President Trump administration. The statement said the US encourages all Libyans to support political reconciliation and GNA in addressing all security and economic challenges passed by the country. The start net stressed the need to build a unified Libyan national military forces subjected... Read more

UN chief defends choice of Fayyad as Libya envoy Washington, 12 February 2017(Lana) UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Saturday defended his choice of former Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad to be the UN peace envoy to Libya, after

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The decision to put forward his candidacy "was solely based on Mr Fayyad's recognized personal qualities and his competence for that position," said UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric. "United Nations staff serve strictly in their personal capacity. They do not represent any government or country," he said. Guterres had informed the Security Council earlier this week of his intention to appoint Fayyad, and set a deadline of Friday for members to raise objections. Diplomats had said they expected the appointment to be approved, but US Ambassador Nikki Haley decided to oppose it. "For... Read more
