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Tripoli, 14.02.2017(Lana) GNA Presidency Council spokesman, Ashraf Al-Thulti has announced that there are no things indicating settling of illegal immigrants in the MoU signed recently by President of the Presidency Council, Faeyz Saraj with the Italian side. At a press conference Monday at the press centre at the Government Office, he explained that the MoU talks about repatriating illegal immigrants to their countries of origin after offering them medical and humanitarian care, besides modernizing detention centres in respect of their dignity. On the visit of Saraj to... Read more
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Tripoli, 14.02.2017(Lana) Deputy chairman of GNA, Ahmed Maitiq visited Monday Ministry of Interior premises to discuss obstacles hampering work progress, and carry out its tasks such as maintain peace and security and fighting crime. Amitiq met during the visit deputy Minister for Public Affairs, Directors of Departments and offices and senior officials. He toured the various parts of the ministry and was briefed on its performance. =... Read more
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Tunis, 14 February 2017(Lana) Tunisian Foreign minister Khamis Al Jheinawi discussed with the UN Envoy to Libya Martin Kobler developments in Libya. The meeting between Kobler and Jheinawi dealt with efforts being made by Tunisia in collaboration with Libya's neighboring countries to push for a political settlement, and encourage Libyans of all political affiliations to reach a consensus that preserves the country's unity and stability. Kobler praised the Tunisian move, expressing hope that it would lead to a positive result, in light of the positive indications brought... Read more
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Tripoli, 14.02.2017(Lana) Minister of Transport, Eng. Millad Matauq, and deputy minister Hisham Abushkiwat met with several head of departments and bodies affiliated to the ministry. The meeting focused on support of the media to show the ministry's work to the public across the country in the absence of a TV channel that airs all state news. The meeting also discussed 2017 work planes. Minister Matuq said financial allocations for 2017 were approved and pending release to the ministry's accounts. They also discussed projects underway and obstacles hampering work... Read more
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Dubai, 14 February 2017(Lana) U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Monday he believed former Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad was the right person to be the world body's envoy to Libya after the United States raised objections. "It is a loss for the Libyan peace process and for the Libyan people that I am not able to appoint him," Guterres said at a summit in Dubai. "I do not think there is any valid reason to avoid someone who is very competent to do a job that is extremely important," he said, adding that ending the Libyan conflict was in "everybody's... Read more