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World News: Political News

Fines on vehicles without plate numbers in Sebratha.

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Tripoli, 29.12.2015(Lana) Head of felony detection and combating negative phenomena in Sebratha, Abdulla Al-Khattabi has announced that fines of 110 LD would be imposed on vehicles without legal plate numbers. Al-Khattabi said Tuesday his force has been working for few days on removing tinted glass through check points in various places in a bid to keep law and order in the city and safeguard life and personal properties. He said the Force on Detecting Felonies and Negative Phenomena is firm on apprehending law violators and those who fail to complete their vehicles.... Read more

Palestinian Prime Minister: Israeli Plans to Build Housing Units in West Bank Aim to Kill Hopes of Two State Solution.

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Ramallah, 29 December 2015(Lana) The Palestinian Governemnt has warned that Israeli plans to build more than 55000 housing units in the occupied West Bank aimed to destroy Once and for all any prospects of a two state solution. Palestinian information sources said the Palestinian cabinet has warned, at the weekly meeting in Ramallah chaired by Prime Minister Rami Al Hamdallah, that 'the plans which included construction of 8372 units in the area designated 'I 1' east of Jerusalem, aimed to isolate Jerusalem from the rest of the Palestinian areas, dismember the West Bank and... Read more

GNC Discusses Latest Development of Political Dialogue.

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Tripoli, 29 December 2015(Lana) The President of the General National Congress Nuri Abu Sahmein has discussed at a meeting with members of the Congress the latest developments of the Libyan dialogue. The meeting which was held at the GNC headquarters dealt with the current situation in the country. The General National Congress has authorized the higher committee of selected committees to liaise with the House of Representatives to explore the legislative aspects and put in place standards of selection of the national consensus government. =... Read more

Prospective Meeting in Sebha Between Tabo and Tuareg Tribes in Follow up of Doha Agreement.

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Tripoli, 29 December 2015(Lana) The Chairman of the Council of Notables and Wise men of Obari Ahmed Matko has affirmed that a meeting was agreed in the coming few days for committees of the tribes of Tabo and Tuareg along with a mediator from the Al Zweiye tribe. In statements Matko said the meeting which brings together representatives of the two tribes would be devoted to follow up of the Doha agreement which called for a ceasefire, troop re-deployment and re-opening of the Obari-Sebha road. Matko added that after the Sebha meeting a neutral force from Al Hasawna... Read more

Arab Gulf Co.

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Says 1.5 Million Liters of Car Fuel Pumped into Al Sarir Depot. Tripoli, 29 December 2015(Lana) One and half million liters of gasoline has been pumped into the depot of Al Sarir belonging to Al Breiga Oil Marketing Co. from Al Sarir refinery to meet the needs of Al Wahat and Al Kufra areas, the Head of information office of the Arab Gulf Co, said. The fuel amount was the first to be pumped into the depot since the overhaul of the refinery was completed in November, he said. The Al wahat and Kufra areas have suffered fuel shortages because of the difficulties facing Al... Read more
