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Tripoli, 18.01. 2016 (Lana) National Oil Corporation (NOC) spokesman, Mohamed al-Harrai said Oil Installations Guards prevented NOC contracted oil tanker from shipping oil that remained in Ras lanuf tanks. al-Harrari explained that the reason for emptying the tanks from crude oil is to alleviate damages in case clashes are renewed in the area. He said there are about two-million barrels of oil in the tanks. Fire engulfed Sedra and Ras Lanuf tanks early this month due to clashes between Oil Installation Guards and the so-called Daesh. =... Read more
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Tunis, 18 January 2016(Lana) The delegation of the National Salvation Governemnt which is in Tunisia to inspect the wounded Libyan victims of the terrorist attacks in Zletin and Al Sidra have visited the wounded at Ibn Al Nafees clinic in Sfax. The delegation included the Second Deputy Prime Minister Ahmed Al Hafer, the Foreign Minister Ali Abu Za'akok, the Deputy Health Minister Khalid Al Taleb and the GNC Spokesman Omar Hmaidan. The delegation was briefed on the condition of the wounded and treatment offered to them at the clinic. =... Read more
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Tripoli, 18 January 2016(Lana) The General national Congress on Sunday devoted a session for the problems facing the Ministry of Health and the relevant bodies. The GNC listened to what the Health Minister Taher Al Senussi had to say about the difficulties facing the healthcare sector and the ways to overcome them. The session which was held at the headquarters of the General National Congress in Tripoli also dealt with legislations of importance to the daily life of the ordinary Libyans. =... Read more
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Tripoli, 18 January 2016(Lana) The Chairman of the Audit Office Khalid Shakshek has issued a decision to freeze dozens of bank accounts accused of foreign currency trafficking and forgery. The new measures included in the decision No.14 for 2016, involved bank accounts of 38 companies and 62 individuals for involvement in currency trafficking and forging official documents. There was an encroachment on public money and those involved in this must be tracked down and prosecuted, the audit office said pointing commercial banks forgery of letter of credits and extortion of... Read more
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Ramallah, 18 January 2106(Lana) The Israeli occupation force carried out on Monday a crackdown on several parts of the occupied West Bank detaining 27 Palestinians. Palestinian sources said the occupation forces broke into the West bank cities of Tulkerm, Nables and Qalqilia and also the city of Bethlehem. Clashes ensued between the Israeli forces and Arab residents of the cities. Dozens were injured in the clashes in the town of Al Khadr south of Bethlehem. The Israeli forces fired tear gas and vacuum bombs indiscriminately at Palestinian homes. A number of people... Read more