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World News: Political News

Mogherini rules out military intervention in Libya now.

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Amsterdam, 06.02.2016 - Lana - The EU commissioner for foreign policy 'Federica Mogherini' , said that Libya needs a national unity government , to have a better chance in defeating Da'esh organization. In a press statement , after the meeting of EU defense ministers , which was also attended by NATO secretary general 'Jens Stoltenberg' in Amsterdam , Mogherini ruled out military intervention in Libya , before reaching an agreement to establish a national unity government. "The better condition to fight Da'esh in Libya , is by the formation of a national unity government , and to... Read more

Tobruk … a leak at the desalination water plant foreshadowing health disaster.

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Tobruk, 06.02.2016 - Lana - Chief of maintenance department in the desalination water plant in Tobruk city 'Mohamed Rizq' , affirmed that a leak had occurred at the main line carrying water from the plant to the main tank. In a press statement 'Rizq' said , " the leakage had occurred within the plant walls , so we immediately decreased the production from 35 thousand cubic meters , to 17 cubic meters , and operated two pumps instead of three". He pointed out , that this will affect the plant production , and will cause a water crisis inside Tobruk city , if didn't repair the leaking... Read more

Ubari revolutionary brigades union ; warns Chadian and Sudanese oppositions of stirring chaos in the south of Libya.

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Ubari, 06.02.2016 - Lana - Ubari city's union of the revolutionary brigades , had warned the Chadian and Sudanese oppositions , from stirring chaos and destabilizing security and stability of southern Libya , calling these movements to leave the Libyan soil immediately. In a statement today Saturday , the union renewed its full rejection to use any foreign troops from across the borders , asserting that the solution for the Libyan crisis , should be through a Libyan-Libyan dialogue. =... Read more

Tunisian president: any military intervention in Libya could harm Tunisia.

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Tunisia, 06.02.2016 - Lana - The Tunisian president 'Beji Caid Essibsi' said , that any military intervention in Libya could harm Tunisia , before benefiting any other country. Essibsi , in a speech on the occasion of the administrative new year in Tunisia , added that whoever thinks about intervening in libya , should consult with Tunisia first , calling all not to think about their interests only. Essibsi , asserted that his country , is supporting the political dialogue under the UN auspices , and its irreplaceable in the foreseeable future , due to the absence of the state in... Read more

Kobler is concerned about military clashed in Kufra city.

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Tripoli, 06.02.2016 - Lana - The UNSMIL chief 'Martin Kobler' , expressed his concern about the eruption of military clashes in Kufra city , south east of Libya , calling for the necessity to establish a unified security institutions , to secure the Libyan borders. Kobler in a short tweet on twitter website , said that the situations in Kufra , reminds us for the necessity to have a unifies security institutions , that would work under the national reconciliation government's orders , to secure the Libyan borders. In the last two days , Kufra had witnessed bloody clashes , in which at... Read more
