Dbaiba meets Acting Minister of Oil development projects for the oil sector.
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Tripoli, April 04, 2024 (LANA) - The meeting held by the Prime Minister of the National Unity Government, “Abdul Hamid Al-Dbaiba,” with the Minister of Oil-designate, “Khalifa Abdel-Sadiq,” was devoted to discussing and following up on a number of files related to the oil and gas sector.
During the meeting, Abdel Sadiq presented to the Prime Minister a general position on the development and investment projects approved in the sector plan with the aim of increasing production and activating international partnerships.
Al-Dbaiba directed the necessity of partnering with the Libyan private sector in intermediary works, and entering into the oil sector according to their capabilities and qualification by the competent committees, and not monopolizing the work on foreign companies.
The Prime Minister also directed the necessity of inviting companies that manufacture various oil spare parts and equipment to partner with the Libyan private sector through the Misrata Free Zone in providing the appropriate conditions for this.