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The Karaghla tribe confirms its keenness on the success of the project of national reconciliation and the unity of Libya

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Tripoli, March 14, 2023 (LANA) - The Karaghla tribe affirmed its keenness on the need for the success of the national reconciliation project, the unity of the homeland, and the unification of state institutions.

This came during a meeting held by the President of the Presidential Council, Muhammad al-Manfi, on Tuesday, with a delegation of notables of the Karaghla tribe, who assured him of their support for any measures he takes to get the country out of the current crisis.

  The media office of the President of the Presidential Council said that the delegation of the Karaghla tribe expressed its appreciation for the efforts made by the President of the Presidential Council to achieve consensus among Libyans.

    .. (LANA)..