Vienna conference discusses stability in Libya and reviving Syria peace talks.
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Vienna, 15.05.2916(Lana|) Vienna is to host Monday Vienna
conference on Libya to be chaired by President of the Presidency
Council of the National Accord Government, Fayez Saraj to be followed
on Tuesday by Syria's Support group, with the participation of the
USA, EU and Arab League .
Italian Foreign Minister, Paolo Gentolini and US Secretary of
State being co-organizers of the meeting are to take part along with
the foreign ministers of countries concerned with the Libyan crisis
and Secretary General of the Arab League.
The participants in the meeting are to discuss Libyan crisis
developments, during which they will offering full support to the
Presidency Council of the GNA and its decisions.
The conference is also to discuss measures that could help
restore stability to Libya, and support the political track and help
the UN and International community supported national unity
government led by Fayez Saraj to exert its authority in the country
and counter terrorism. It also aims at strengthening the government
ability to stand up to illegal immigration that set off from Libya
towards Europe, an important issue for Austria in particular.
The two meetings are expected to be attended by 17 foreign
ministers and to be held under the auspices of the US and Russian
foreign ministers.