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International Migration Organisation : More Than 417000 Displaced People in Libya.

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Geneva, 15 may 2016(Lana) The International Migration Organisation has said that the number of displaced people in Libya has reached 417123, as a result of three waves of displacement since 2011, the worse was in mid 2014. In a report published on Saturday, the organisation said there were 234699 foreigners among the displaced who faced discrimination and exploitation. The report quoted a special monitor it operated in the country which specialized in displaced movement patterns and asylum seekers in Libya as as saying nearly 35 per cent of the displaced lived in private homes, while the rest lived in makeshift homes or in markets, transport stations or unfinished housing building. 4 per cent live in detention camps, where men made 89 per cent of them, the report said. It noted that 47 per cent of all displaced people in Libya came from Benghazi, many also came from Sirte and Tripoli. Large numbers of residents of Sirte have fled the city recently to cities such as Bani Walid and Tarhouna as a result of the ongoing fighting in their city which destroyed their property, it added. =Lana=