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Sirt municipality meets charity officials to discuss people displaced from Sirt.

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Tripoli, 17.04.2026(Lana) Mayor of Sirt, Mukhtar Al Madani met in Tripoli officials from Libya Charity Organization led by Nehad Maitiq. The meeting focused on difficult humanitarian situation faced by the displaced families from Sirt. The mayor said they agreed on a work plan and a humanitarian support plan for the families displaced outside the city in cooperation with local charity institutions and international organizations such as the International Red Cross. In statement to Lana, Al Madani said they agreed on offering humanitarian aid by 'For You Libya charity' to displaced families from Sirt numbering over 25,000 displaced families and ease their difficulties such as addressing housing rent problem, liquidity at banks, public and university education and alleviate all their problems in cooperation with Sirt Municipal Council. On her part Nehad Amatiq head of For you Libya Charity praised efforts made by Sirt Municipal Council especially taking stock of all families displaced from Sirt in various Libyan cities and regions. =Lana=