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GNC makes constitutional declaration and hands over power to State Supreme Council.

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Tripoli, 05.04.2016(Lana) The GNC introduced in its last session Tuesday in Tripoli an amendment to the Constitutional Declaration to be compatible with the Political Accord and according to the legally approved procedures and in accordance with annex 4 of the agreement. Salah Al Makhzoum said; 'Article 65 of the Political Accord states that the Constitutional Deceleration be amended in line with the text of this accord and according to legally approved procedures and in accordance with annex 4 of the agreement'. In his address at the hand over session between the GNC and the Supreme State Council, he said during Libyan dialogue sessions we concluded this text to protect the political accord that in case one of the main parties could not achieve a quorum the other party shall amend it. He underlined that in the light of hampering of the House of Representatives of achieving a quorum, we in the GNC in its final session we realized a quorum to make the constitutional amendment to protect the agreement. Then, the SSC took over officially from the GNC. =Lana=