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Member of Presidential Council: Libyan People Real Backer of Consensus Government.

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Tripoli, 31 March 2016(Lana) The Deputy Head of the Presidential Council Musa Al Kone has said that the Libyan people was real backer of the Consensus Government, and that the government had to embrace all the people so that all can join in in leadership of the current phase.' 'It was an imperative for us to move to the eternal capital of Libya to start work from there to alleviate the suffering of our honourable people badly hit by the crisis, Al Kone said in statements on Wednesday. He highlighted the arrival of the Presidential Council as a 'important and successful step', and said 'there is a lot to be done to face up to the challenges and we will work with all parties who we invite to join this historic consensus. This is the core of the objectives sought by the government, namely to achieve national reconciliation and laying down the foundations of the state of law and order and justice and equality, he said. The Presidential Council led by Fayz Al Saraj arrived on Wednesday at the Tripoli Naval Base in the capital. =Lana=