Tunisia: a free market zone near Ras-J'deer crossing.
Pulbished on:
Tunisia, 28.03.2016 - Lana - Tunisia had declared the beginning of
establishing a free market zone , on the borders with Libya.
Tunisian TV station , quoted from the commerce minister 'Mohsen
Hassan' , during a visit with the industry minister 'Zakaria Hamad' ,
to Bengerdan city on the borders with Libya , as saying that ; "we
declare the launching of establishing a free market zone in Bengerdan
, after resolving the property issues and studies".
Hassan said that , the project will be under the management of a
committee that includes "Tunisian trade office , number of parliament
representatives , and civilian activists from Bengerdan city".
The project is located 11 kilometer away from Ras-J'deer border
crossing with Libya , with an estimated area of 150 thousand square