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Executing a man in Sirt city accusing him of being in a military institution.

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Tripoli, 26,03,2016 - Lana - An armed group - affiliated to the state organization - on Friday evening , had executed one of Sirt city's citizens , accusing him for joining a military institution. Local sources in a phone call with - Lana - on Saturday , said that the citizen 'al-Mahdi Ali al-Gaddafi' of 40 years old , was executed by a firing squad in martyrs square downtown. The source added , that what so called the legitimate court of those gunmen , had adjudged the aforementioned citizen to death sentence by a firing squad , after arresting him recently in Bohadi area south east of the city. On the other hand , witnesses from inside Sirt city , said that the curfew is still on against citizens , which was imposed by the organization gunmen , between Asr and Maghrib prayers , and forcing them to attend religious courses , in which they listen to Jihad lectures , according to their extremist protocol. =Lana-Sirt=