Arab League Rejects Kurdish Declaration of Federal Province in Northern Syria.
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Cairo, 21 March 2016(Lana) The League of Arab States has rejected a
declaration by Kurds of a federal regime in northern Syria, stressing
that integrity of Syrian territory key to stability of the region.
Syrian Kurdish parties Thursday declared a federal regime in the
areas controlled by Kurds in Northern Syria, prompting Damascus to
strongly reject the move.
The Arab League rejects such secession moves which threaten the
integrity of Syria, the Arab League Deputy Secretary General Ahmed
Bin Hili said.
Some of the Kurds themselves reject such calls, Bin Hili said,
adding that 'the Arab League's policy regarding the Syrian issue is
that the integrity of the country is one of the League's principles.
United Syria is a corner stone of peace and stability in the
region, he noted.