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The Pentagon: America is Closely Following Situation in Libya.

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Washington, 10 March 2016(Lana) US Defence Department Spokesman Peter Cook said his country was closely following the situation in Libya, and was looking into all options to respond to terrorist threats. US Secretary of Defence Carter Ashton is continuing consultation with President Obama and the rest of the National Security team over this issue, the spokesman said. Cook refused to confirm reports by the New York Times that Carter might have submitted to Obama a plan for a military intervention in Libya. The military intervention plan, disclosed by the New York Times on Wednesday, involved a series of air strikes against 40 Da'esh camps in four areas inside Libya. Although, the spokesman did not give further details about the consultations, he said Obama and the Defence Secretary have clearly stressed at the press conference on Da'esh last week that the US would take the necessary measures to respond to the terrorist group. Cook said his country was closely monitoring the situation in Libya, and was considering all options to confront the terrorist threat. He noted that other camps apart from the one bombed by the US air force in Sabrata, were being closely monitored , and that the US Army would act in the time to destroy the terrorist groups. =Lana=