People of Tajoura, Suk AlJouma , Arada, Al Hani and Fashlom, Dhahran and Zawit Al Dahmani in Greater Tripoli commemorate demonstration.
Pulbished on:
Tripoli, 25.02.2016(Lana) People of Tajoura, Suk AlJouma , Arada, Al
Hani and Fashlom, Dhahran and Zawit Al Dahmani in Greater Tripoli
commemorated February 25, 2011demonstration calling for downfall of
tyrant regime.
The demonstration set off from Murd Agha mosque in Tajoura via Arada
and Al Hani and ending up at the Martyrs square down town Tripili
where a torch had Ben lit.
The festivity included a marathon which set off from the same mosque
towards the Martyrs square.
The people of these areas took part in the marathon. The carried
portraits of the martyrs. Sportive and cultural competitions were
also held.