Military clashes between chief of staff forces and Da'esh.
Pulbished on:
Sabrata, 25.02.2016 - Lana - Areas of 'Qasar al-A'alalga' and
'Zawagha' west of Sabrata city , had witnessed armed clashes ,
between general chief of staff forces of the Libyan army in the
national salvation government , and what so called the state
organization 'Da'esh'.
Libyan news agency reporter in the city , said , that these clashes
which are still going on , came after the chief of staff's orders to
attack the hiding sites of Da'esh.
Noting that , revolutionary brigades and security services , on
Tuesday , had carded Sabrata city and its suburbs , also storming
some suspected houses and rest areas , in which Da'esh elements were
hiding , resulted in clashes in 'Nahda' area 15 kilometers to the
south , as number of the city residents were killed and injured , and
kicked Da'esh elements out of the city.