NSG organizes workshop on economic challenges.
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Tripoli, 23.02.2016 (Lana) The National Salvation Government
(NSG) organized Tuesday a workshop entitled challenges of the Libyan
economy (Realties & Requirements) to diagnose the reality of Libyan
economy and propose necessary measures and policies to manage the
economy to secure efficient management of public money and improve
standards of living of society.
The workshop is aimed at streamlining strategic visions related
to the political, financial, monetary and commercial policies and
finding ideal options in the face of the existing challenges with the
participation of the private sector, civil society organization, and
tap into international experiences and local expertise and come up
with recommendations to identify economic policies.
Head of NSG and his deputies, ministers of economy, justice,
water resources, deputy minister of higher education, representatives
of Central bank of Libya, specialists and civil society organizations
attended the workshop.
The workshop programme included several themes focusing on
reality of foreign currency revenues and transfers, reality of
foreign trade and imports policies, as well as proposed policies and
tools to address issues facing the Libyan economy.
Head of NSG, Khalifa al-Ghawail spoke in the occasion pointing
out to the challenges encountering the Libyan economy and that his
governments is exploring appropriate solutions to face the
The government is communicating with all bodies linked to foreign
trade to conclude a streamlined view that realizes government goals
and fulfill the aspiration of the people, he added.
al-Ghawail underlined his government resolve to convene such
workshops and gatherings to discuss and enrich debate of issues
facing the government and subscribe to its vision to alleviate the
brunt of the crisis of national economy.