Mogherini: Libyans Have to Tackle Da'esh Themselves.
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Paris, 21 February 2106(Lana) The EU High Representative of Foreign
Affairs and Security Policy said Libyans had to confront the threat
of Da'esh themselves, indicating that defeating the orgainsation can
only be effectively achieved through a legitimate Libyan government,
taking up responsibility of its of security.
'Europeans have to wait for a request by a legitimate Libyan
government, to intervene against the State Organisation Da'esh in
this country, while the US has carried out a raid on extremist
position in Sabrata west of Tripoli killing 49, Mogherini said in an
interview with the French Journal Du Dimanche on Sunday.
For months, the EU backed efforts to install a national consensus
government in Libya, Mogherini said, adding the next days would be
crucial, as the Parliament votes on the future government. The
anarchy has to end, she said.
'If we want to assist them, then we should have confidence in them,
because they know their country better, and the option to ask for
assistance to fight Da'esh is for them, she added.
Europe is ready to offer technical assistance especially to the
Army and the Police, and to reinforce the local councils which
constituted the largest elected bodies in the country, if the future
government requested that, Mogherini stressed.