Al Nahdha Movement Calls for Support for Political Track in Libya.
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Tunis, 21 February 2016(Lana) Tunisian opposition movement 'Al
Nahdha' has called on Libya's neighboring countries to unite behind
efforts aimed at supporting the political consensus track in Libya,
for the eventual stability and integration of the region.
The solution to domestic crises will not be effective unless it is
based on consent among the people of one country, away from
exclusion, violence and foreign intervention, the movement said in a
statement on the 5th anniversary of February 17 Revolution.
The statement reaffirmed support of Tunisian official, civic and
popular organisations for the people of Libya in the face of all
It valued the efforts being made by different Libyan popular,
political and intellectual forces to push the formation of the
national consensus government, in an atmosphere of consensus, unity
and cooperation.