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Kobler: let 17 February anniversary by the spark for the revolution of the will against discord in Libya.

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Rome, 17.02.2016 (Lana) Head of UNSMIL, Martin Kobler congratulated the Libyan people on the 17 anniversary of February revolution which ousted tyranny and injustice regime. in a statement posted on UNSMIL website, Kobler said; 'let this occasion be the spark of revolution of the will against discord and restoring Libyan unity and its people which ousted the tolaterian regime that ruled Libya for 40 years'. He praised the will of the Libyan people and their sacrifices offered for peace and freedom. " Five years ago, Libyan men and women set off bravely in the course of change and transformation, and sacrificed with their lives for the sake of freedom and democracy, however, there is still a lot of work needed to realize the goals of the revolution by building a state based on democracy, rule of law and human rights'. Kobler added; Big sacrifices were made in 2011 and there is still a need to make big sacrifices today. Head of UNSMIL appealed for approval of the national accord government fully and support it by transcending specific interests for the supreme interest of the Libyan people. He pointed out that the UN and the international community stand united with the Libyans at the time of their need and would continue to offer support to the country and its institutions. =Lana=