Arresting a gang dealing with drugs in Sabha city.
Pulbished on:
Sabha, 14.02.2016 - Lana - Elements from the detective department in
"Gurda" police station in Sabha , were able to arrest a gang of
African nationalities , dealing with drugs , liquor and Tramadol
"Yahya Shwayel" , director of the investigation office in the station
, said that acting on a tip provided by a citizen , about the gangs'
where about , the elements soon stormed the location , started
searching the place , and found liquor , drugs and magic and juggling
Shwayel in a press statements , said that the gang members of more
than 40 people , will remain detained , until contacting their
embassies , via the security directorate in the city , to be deported
from the country.
Its noteworthy , that Sabha security directorate , had recently
arrested a gang of African nationalities , organizing prostitution in
"Naseriya" district in mid of last may.