Tunisia rejects using its air space or land in any military intervention in Libya.
Pulbished on:
Tunisia, 07.02.2016 - Lana - The Tunisian defense minister 'Farhat
Hirshani' , denied the possibility of using air-space or land , for
any western military intervention in Libya.
In a press conference , during his field visit organized by the
Tunisian defense ministry for journalists at the Tunisian-Libyan
borders , 'Hirshani' said , that "his country is against any military
intervention in Libya , and if this intervention took place , it
should be legitimate according to the UN system".
"In case of a likely military intervention , there should be
consultations with Tunisia beforehand , we don't want to repeat the
same crisis , that took place in 2011 just after the Libyan
revolution" ; he added.
Tunisia had implemented a full security system on its borders with
Libya , and had started establishing a military buffer zone in the
year 2013 , by digging a buffer dike of 250 kilometers in the
Tunisian land borders since last year.