Tunisian president: any military intervention in Libya could harm Tunisia.
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Tunisia, 06.02.2016 - Lana - The Tunisian president 'Beji Caid
Essibsi' said , that any military intervention in Libya could harm
Tunisia , before benefiting any other country.
Essibsi , in a speech on the occasion of the administrative new year
in Tunisia , added that whoever thinks about intervening in libya ,
should consult with Tunisia first , calling all not to think about
their interests only.
Essibsi , asserted that his country , is supporting the political
dialogue under the UN auspices , and its irreplaceable in the
foreseeable future , due to the absence of the state in libya …
expressing his optimist that the state will get-back soon in Libya ,
due to the encouraging signs that indicate near formation of a
national unity government ; as he put it.